About Us

DogCrunchonline began as a personal blog but has since grown into an incredible online community that entertains millions of dog lovers around the world.
Plus, we fetch…!
the most informative and entertaining articles, videos and photos on the Web, that is! But we don’t hog that ball. We drop it right at your feet.
And while we’re running around for stories, whether these are amazing tales of survival, touching reunions, incredible feats of compassion or just plain, old fun stuff (all amid between life with our own dogs!) our followers are right there on our Facebook and Twitter pages, building community and sharing those stories that need to be heard (especially when a homeless dog needs to find a new family!).
Speaking of Facebook, we LOVE hearing from you, so keep up the comments and posts of your own adorable and amazing dogs!
And if you have a great story, video or photo you’d like us to consider sharing feel free to contact us. Yours may just be our next favorite post!

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